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In addition to attending major global media events and frequently giving interviews to the print and electronic media around Asia and the world, Robert Chua is also in demand as an attendee and speaker at media conferences.
Robert Chua first attended the Cannes media scene in 1976, the same year he attended VIDCOM ’76.

Since then he has been a regular visitor at MIP-TV, MIP-COM and MIPJunior. He has also been a frequent attendee at Monte Carlo TV festival events, the American NAPTE and MIPASIA in Asia.

Here are some other professional events Robert has spoken at:

2019, 24 May  

Hong Kong 

Yonsei University Franchise CEO Program, Topic: From TV to F&B Industry 


2018, 23 Nov  

Hong Kong 

Yonsei University, Topic: From TV to F&B Industry 


2018, 19 July 

Hong Kong 

Tai Ping Shan Lions Club, Topic: From TV to F&B Industry 


2018, 20 June 

Hong Kong 

CPA Australia, Topic: From TV to F&B Industry 


2017, 24 March 

Hong Kong 

Century 21 Club 187th Luncheon Talk, Topic: From Television to Food & Beverage Industry 


2016, 30 July 


Macao Franchise Expo 2016, Topic: From TV Production to F&B Industry 


2016, 14 Mar 

 Hong Kong 

Rotary Club – Tsuen Wan, Topic: Television versus Food & Beverage Industry 


2015, 30 May 

Hong Kong 

The HK Federation of Youth Groups – HKCEC, Topic: “The Romance of Start-up” 


2014, 07 July 

Hong Kong 

Rotary Club – Shatin, Topic: “The Future of HK Television Industry” 


2014, 30 June 

Hong Kong 

Singapore Association, Topic: “The Media & Entertainment” 


2014, 25 June 

Hong KongRotary Club – Aberdeen, Topic: “The Future of Hong Kong Television” 


2014, 13 Mar 


The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Singapore CIArb-WIPO-SIAC Intellectual Property, Media & Technology Arbitration Symposium 2014, Topic: “Disputes in the Media, Entertainment and Sports Industries” 


2014, 27 Feb 

Hong Kong 

Hong Kong Productivity Council Kick-off Ceremony and Briefing Seminar, Topic: “Creation with Passion” 


2013, 5 Nov 

Hong Kong 

Poly University Guest Lecture MSc in Multimedia & Entertainment Technology students, Topic: “Work with Passion” 


2013, 18 January 

Hong Kong 

Overseas Singaporean Unit 


2012, 18 December 

Hong Kong 

United Zhejiang Youth Group 


2012, 5 December 


Temasek Polytechnic Communications & Media Management Students 


2012, 25 August 


HAPAIR Asia 2012 Conference 


2011, 6 December 


Tamasek Polytehnic 


2011, 18 February 

Hong Kong 

Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of CUHKCollege Assembly EYT and Beyond 01

Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of CUHKCollege Assembly EYT and Beyond 02

Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of CUHKCollege Assembly EYT and Beyond 03 


2010, 5 November 


揭陽市特美思大酒店Forum on Competitiveness of Chaoshan Enterprise 


2010, 18 October 

Hong Kong 

Wan ChaiGuest Speaker to the Rotary Club of Wan Chai 


2009, 3rd December


Temasek Polytechnic Business School 


2009, 5th August 

Hong Kong 

Rotary ClubRotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile Lunchean Talk 


2009, 15th January 

Hong Kong  

The School of Creative Media of City University of Hong KongThe School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong – Future of Television: from ‘Passive’ to ‘Interactive’ 


2008, 28-30th November 


Global social Innovators Forum 2008 


2008, 21st November 

Hong Kong 

HKPC BuildingASTRI Technology Forum P2P Media Delivery: Technology & Applications 


2008, 3rd March 

Hong Kong 

蔡和平 – 電視傳媒大師真情接觸 (3 Mar 2008) 


2008, 17th January 

Hong Kong 

HKPC BuildingASTRI Technology Forum – Interactive TV 


2007, 30th November 


A Strategic New Media Conference for Asia “IPTV and the Future of Media Industry” 


2007, 8th September 

Hong Kong 

HKUST Business School CentralHKSFA Media Prospects in Greater China 


2007, 27th June 

Hong Kong 

World Trade Centre ClubHKCCA “The Future of Television” 


2007, 18th April


MIPTV/MILIA“Future of Interactive TV” 


2007, 26-28th March 


FRAMES“TIC Presentation” 


2007, 13th February 

San Francisco 

The TV of Tomorrow Show 2007“Newsmaker Session 1” 


2006, 9 December 

Hong Kong 

ATV Workshop 數碼廣播工作坊 


2006, 27 November 


Singapore Nanyang Polytechnic 


2006, 23 – 27 November 


Asia-Australia Television Executive Leadership Program 


2006, 20 November 

Hong Kong 

Industry Forum On Legal Download For Digital Content Creator 


2006, 30 – 31 Oct 


The 8th Interactive TV Show Europe 2006 Keynote Speech 


2006, 20 – 21 Oct 


Monaco Media Forum : 

– I Want My IPTV 

– Wrap_Up / Panel: “Adapt or Die-Riding the Digital Tsunami” 


2006, 30 Aug – 1 Sep 


Broadcast Worldwide Conference 2006 Program 


2006, 19 – 22 June 


Broadcast Asia 2006 – International Conference 


2006, 21 June 


Broadcast Asia 2006 – Cross-Media Interactive TV 


2006, 6 April 


MipTV featuring Milia – Developing & Delivering Content Across Platforms, What Does It Take? 


2006, 4 April


MipTV featuring Milia – Asian Television Market Update 


2006, 24 January 

Las vegas 



2006, 24 January  

Las vegas 

NATPE: Emerging Entertainment & Media Markets I : India & China 


2005, 17 – 21 Nov

Bunker Bay 

PerthAsia-Australia Television Executive Leadership Program 


2005, 19th Oct 


MIPCOM 2005 


2005, 20 July  

Los Angeles 

AFI Digital Content Festival 


2005, 18-20 May 


Seoul Digital Forum 2005 – World ICT 


2005, 12 May 

New York City 

New Frontiers in Entertainment & Media — Doing Business in China 



2005, 5 May 


SwitzerlandRose d’Or Festival 


2005, 14 April 


MIPTV-Milia (The World’s Audiovisual & Digital Content Market) 


2005, 5 April

USA(San Francisco) 

Leadership Awards at NCTA 2005 


2005, 23 March 

Hong Kong 

Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum 2005 Speaker 


2005, 19 January  

Hong Kong 

Ericsson Mobile Media 


2004, 24-26 November 


S. KoreaBroadcast Worldwide BCCW 2004 


2004, 1-3 July 


44th Monte Carlo TV Festival 


2004, 24 June 

Hong Kong 

Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (FILMART


2003, 1-3 December 


Young Entrepreneurs Congress 2003 


2003, 19-21 November 

Jeju Island 

S. KoreaBroadcast Worldwide BCWW 2003 


2003, 26 July 

Hong Kong 

75 Years of Broadcasting Oral History Seminar 


2003, 2-5 July 


43rd Monte-Carlo Television Festival 


2003, 26 March 


Pitching Session, MIPTV 2003 


2003, 17-18 March 

Hong Kong 

Media World Asia 2003 


2002, 3-5 Dec 


Asia Television Forum 


2002, 30-31 May 


Corporate Branding 


2001, 15-16 Nov 


Techo Achievers Congress 2001 (Innovation and Creativity) 


2000, 29-30 May 


Customer Service Conference 


1998, 4-5 Jun 

Los Angeles 

EMASIA ’98 (Asia Society) 


1997, 10 Oct 

Nanjing University

The power of Television within the Context of Social Responsibility (Eng) 

The power of Television within the Context of Social Responsibility (Chi) 


1995, 20-22 Mar 

Hong Kong 

Pan Asia Satellite & Cable TV Conference 


1994, 29-30 Nov 

Hong Kong 

NIMA Conference 


1994, 19-21 Sept 


Pan Asia TV Industry Conference 


1994, 24-25 Aug 

New York 

The Investing in Asia Pacific Media and Telecom Conference 

Others: As an experienced operator in the field of audiotext business, Robert Chua has attended and spoken at events dedicated to the sector in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

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