First Brain Surgery operation in Jan 1999 was caused by the stressed from CETV’s financial problem in 1998
Second Brain Surgery 15th Jan 2008
I am lucky to be ‘alive’ after two “brain operations” ( exactly nine years apart, first operation in Jan 1999 and second in Jan 2008 ) to continue to do what I love most “television”. To this day, I never considered I had worked a single day of my life because I am so fortunate to do what I love most and therefore never a moment consider ‘work’ as ‘work’ but as ‘hobby’. ( If one’s hobby is playing football or golf then being a ‘professional full-time professional Footballer or a Golfer’ is a dream, playing one’s hobby full-time ) I am fortunate to be working in the television industry and have now entered into the 45 th year of television business ( started 21 st Jan, 1964 in Adelaide, Australia ).
I have changed my priorities in life since my second ‘brain surgery’ on 15 th Jan 2008. My ‘Second brain surgery was my second Wake-Up Call’. I would now like to work as ‘Creative Consultant’ to lead my company to provide the “vision”, “inspiration”, “strategy”, networking” and leadership for the company. I can create best when I am ‘stress-free’ ( from financial and management worries ). I hope to step down within the next 2-3 years after a successor is found. I have now decided to dedicate my life to promote Global Preventive Health Care (GPHC) to provide creatively “cross-media” interactive ‘edu/infotainment ‘preventive health care’ programs via TV/Internet/Mobile/Radio/Print to the people. I still have at least 25 more good years ahead of me. Hong Kong’s “Health and Lifestyle Channel” (in Mandarin) could contribute to GPHC’s first initiative to reach to over 1.3 billion Chinese in Asia.