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Ready-to-Eat Asian Gourmet Meals

Cuisine from Singapore & Asia to the World

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A modern effective method of easy cooking process in which Gourmet food is placed in an aluminium pouch and cooked in a boiling water bath while preserving original flavors, enhancing the food’s quality and resulting in a Delicious meal that anyone can do in a matter of minutes!

Sinstant X健康工房

健康工房與蔡和平先生創辦的秒妙品牌合作,將新加坡獅城聞名遐邇的 hawker food帶到香港。Hawker food都是經得起時光洗禮的街頭美食,很多都是傳承三代有數十年歷史的珍貴食譜。

最近新加坡的「小販中心文化」更獲得「聯合國教科文組織」列為不可多得的非物質文化瑰寶。與新加坡的⼩販⽂化⼀樣,⾹港的涼茶早被列入第⼀批國家級非物質⽂化遺產 ,是中醫藥理與⺠間 經驗累積的智慧結晶。


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Sinstant Hong Kong

For Hong Kong Customers to purchase, Rewards Program is available for customers to earn & redeem points for each purchase

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Sinstant Singapore

Michelin Chef Star Power & SG Heritage Quality

Available in Singapore

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